Haitham El Kadiri

Department Head, Professor, PACCAR Chair and Coleman-Whiteside Professorship

Research interests 

A passion to use applied mathematics to model a natural evolving system after a fundamental understanding supported by experimentation and small-scale simulations. Led several teams in the area of multiscale modeling applied to several contemporary industrial issues, with a down-top paradigm. Developed interest in both the sharp interface and di usive interface approaches. Current work includes twinning and slip in HCP structures, crystal plastic- ity, damage, multiphysics involved in oxidation, interdi usion, growth stresses, fatigue crack growth, phase transformations, grain growth, precipitation, and interfacial instability.

About the inventor 

  • Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Mississippi State University, Aug. 2015 - Present.
  • Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Mississippi State University, Aug. 2009 - Aug. 2015.
  • Assistant Research Professor, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems, Mississippi State University, Feb. 2006 - Aug. 2009.
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Institut Français du Pétrole, IFP, Reuil-Malmaison, Paris FRANCE, Mar. 1999 - Aug. 1999.


Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Ecole des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech) Center des Matériaux, Evry FRANCE, Oct. 1999 - Apr. 2004

 D.E.A. (Masters), Physics, Ecole des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech) / Université de Nice, CEMEF, FRANCE , Oct. 1998 - Sep. 1999

 State Engineer (Ingénieur d'État), Materials Science, Ecole Nationale de l'Industrie Minérale, ENIM, Rabat, MOROCCO, Oct. 1993 - Jun. 1996

Post Doctoral Associate, Center for Advanced Vehicular systems, CAVS, Starkville, Mississippi, Apr. 2004 - Feb. 2006

Honors and Awards

  • StatePride Research Award 2011, Mississippi State University
  • StatePride Research Award 2010, Mississippi State University
  • CAVS Award for establishing materials and mechanical laboratories, July 2006
  • Awarded Very Honorable PhD thesis dissertation, Paris, FRANCE 2004
  • Won the Graduate Assistantship and Fellowship of Excellence Eiffel Tour, FRANCE 1998-1999
  • Award of third best High school Student, School Hassan II, MOROCCO 1999
  • Won National Common Exam in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry for ENIM, Rabat, MO- ROCCO 1993
  • Award of the First Best Sophomore Student in Mathematics and Physics, Tetouan MOROCCO 1992
  • Award of First Best Freshman in Mathematics and Physics, Tetouan MOROCCO 1991
  • State Finalist of Olympiads in Mathematics, MOROCCO 1988
  • State Finalist of Olympiads in Mathematics, MOROCCO 1987
  • Award of the First Best student in Ibnou-Rushd Tetouan Elementary School, MOROCCO 1983


Journal Papers

  • Li B, El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF. Extended zonal dislocations mediating twinning in tita- nium. Philosophical Magazine 2012:1-17, In press.
  • Oppedal AL, El Kadiri H, Tom_e CN, Kaschner GC, Vogel SC, Baird JC, Horstemeyer MF. E_ect of dislocation transmutation on modeling hardening mechanisms by twinning in mag- nesium. International Journal of Plasticity 2012 Mar;30-31(0):41-61.
  • Ma Q, El Kadiri H, Oppedal AL, Baird JC, Li B, Horstemeyer MF, Vogel SC. Twinning e_ects in a rod-textured AM30 Magnesium alloy. International Journal of Plasticity 2012;29(1):60-76.
  • Asle Zaeem M, El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF, Kha_zov M, Utegulov Z. E_ects of internal stresses and intermediate phases on the coarsening of coherent precipitates: A phase-_eld study. Current Applied Physics 2012;12(2):570-580.
  • Trim MW, Horstemeyer MF, Rhee H, El Kadiri H, Williams LN, Liao J, Walters KB, McKit- trick J, Park S-J. The e_ects of water and microstructure on the mechanical properties of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) horn keratin. Acta Biomaterialia 2011;7(3):1228-1240.
  • Saillard A, Cherkaoui M, El Kadiri H. Stress-induced roughness development during oxide scale growth on a metallic alloy for SOFC interconnects. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 2011;19(1):Article number 015009.
  • Oppedal AL, El Kadiri H, Tome CN, Kaschner GC, Vogel SC, Baird JC, Horstemeyer MF. Limitation of current hardening models in predicting anisotropy by twinning in HCP metals: Application to a rod-textured AM30 magnesium alloy. Magnesium Technology 2011;313-320.
  • Ma Q, El Kadiri H, Oppedal AL, Baird JC, Horstemeyer MF, Cherkaoui M. Twinning and double twinning upon compression of prismatic textures in an AM30 magnesium alloy. Scripta Materialia 2011;64(9):813-816.
  • Jordon JB, Gibson JB, Horstemeyer MF, El Kadiri H, Baird JC, Luo AA. E_ect of twinning, slip, and inclusions on the fatigue anisotropy of extrusion-textured AZ61 magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 2011;528(22-23):6860-6871.
  • . Asle Zaeem M, El Kadiri H, Wang PT, Horstemeyer MF. Investigating the e_ects of grain boundary energy anisotropy and second-phase particles on grain growth using a phase-_eld model. Computational Materials Science 2011;50(8):2488-2492.
  • Asle Zaeem M, El Kadiri H, Mesarovic SD, Horstemeyer MF, Wang PT. E_ect of the composi- tional strain on the di_usive interface thickness and on the phase transformation in a phase-_eld model for binary alloys. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Di_usion 2011;32(4):302-308.
  • Asle Zaeem M, El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF, Wang PT, Cherkaoui M. The role of compo- sitional strain in the instability of solid-uid thin _lm interfaces. Modern Physics Letters B 2011;25(19):1591-1601.
  • El Kadiri H, Oppedal AL. A crystal plasticity theory for latent hardening by glide twinning through dislocation transmutation and twin accommodation e_ects. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2010;58(4):613-624.
  • Bernard JD, Jordon JB, Horstemeyer MF, Kadiri HE, Baird J, Lamb D, Luo AA. Structure- property relations of cyclic damage in a wrought magnesium alloy. Scripta Materialia 2010;63(7):751- 756.
  • Wang L, Pratt P, Felicelli SD, El Kadiri H, Berry JT, Wang PT, Horstemeyer MF. Pore formation in laser-assisted powder deposition process. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME 2009;131(5):0510081-0510089.
  • Tucker MT, Horstemeyer MF, Gullett PM, El Kadiri H, Whittington WR. Anisotropic e_ects on the strain rate dependence of a wrought magnesium alloy. Scripta Materialia 2009;60(3):182- 185.
  • Rhee H, Horstemeyer MF, Hwang Y, Lim H, El Kadiri H, Trim W. A study on the structure and mechanical behavior of the Terrapene carolina carapace: A pathway to design bio-inspired synthetic composites. Materials Science and Engineering C 2009;29(8):2333-2339.
  • El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF, El Kadiri H, Pessagno Jr. EA. Jurassic radiolarite pulses from the Dorsale Calcaire (internal Rif, Morocco): A clue for correlating and interpreting the Tethyan radiolarites. Stratigraphy 2009;6(4):277-312.
  • El Kadiri H, Wang L, Ozkan Gulsoy H, Suri P, Park SJ, Hammi Y, German RM. Development of a Ti-based alloy: Design and experiment. JOM 2009;61(5):60-66.
  • Yassar RS, Murphy J, Burton C, Horstemeyer MF, El Kadiri H, Shokuhfar T. Microstructure history e_ect during sequential thermomechanical processing. Materials Science and Engineer- ing A 2008;494(1-2):52-60.
  • El Kadiri H, Wang L, Horstemeyer MF, Yassar RS, Berry JT, Felicelli S, Wang PT. Phase transformations in low-alloy steel laser deposits. Materials Science and Engineering A 2008;494(1- 2):10-20.
  • El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF, Jordon JB, Xue Y. Fatigue crack growth mechanisms in high- pressure die-cast magnesium alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 2008;39(1):190-205.
  • El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF, Bammann DJ. A theory for stress-driven interfacial damage upon cationic-selective oxidation of alloys. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2008;56(12):3392-3415.
  • Xue Y, Horstemeyer MF, McDowell DL, El Kadiri H, Fan J. Microstructure-based multi- stage fatigue modeling of a cast AE44 magnesium alloy. International Journal of Fatigue 2007;29(4):666-676.
  • Xue Y, El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF, Jordon JB, Weiland H. Micromechanisms of multistage fatigue crack growth in a high-strength aluminum alloy. Acta Materialia 2007;55(6):1975-1984.
  • El Kadiri H, Xue Y, Horstemeyer M, Jordon JB, Wang PT. Identi_cation and modeling of fatigue crack growth mechanisms in a die-cast AM50 magnesium alloy. Acta materialia 2006;54(19):5061-5076.
  • El Kadiri H, Bienvenu Y, Solanki K, Horstemeyer MF, Wang PT. Creep and tensile behaviors of Fe-Cr-Al foils and laser microwelds at high temperature. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2006;421(1):168-181.
  • El Kadiri H, Molins R, Y. Bienvenu, Horstemeyer MF. Inuence of Laser Welding on the Alumina Growth on a Thin FeCrAl-RE Foil at High Temperature. Oxid Met 2005 Aug;64(1- 2):99-117.[cited 2011 Oct 22 ]
  • El Kadiri H, Molins R, Bienvenu Y, HorstemeyerMF. Abnormal high growth rates of metastable aluminas on FeCrAl alloys. Oxidation of metals 2005;64(1):63-97.
  • El Kadiri H, Molins R, Bienvenu Y. High-temperature oxidation behavior of base material and laser-weld specimens of a thin FeCrAl-RE foil at around 900C. 2004;461-464
  • El Kadiri H, Molins R, Bienvenu Y. Phase transformation and growth of alumina on a thin FeCrAl-RE foil at around 900C. 2004;461-464.


Conference Papers


  • Ma Q, Li B, Oppedal AL, Whittington WR, Horstemeyer S, Marin E, El Kadiri H, Wang P, and Horstemeyer MF. E_ect of Strain Rate on Dynamic Recrystallization in a Magnesium Alloy under Compression at High Temperature. Magnesium Technology 2012, Proceedings of 2012 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Orlando, FL (2012).
  • Barrett D, El Kadiri H, and Tschopp MA, Inuence of Stress State on Single Crystal Defor- mation in Magnesium. Plasticity 2012 Conference Proceedings, Plasticity 2012.
  • Barrett C, Tschopp M, El Kadiri H, and Li B. Inuence of Crystallographic Orientation on Twin Nucleation in Single Crystal Magnesium. Magnesium Technology 2011 295-299 (2011).
  • Zaeem MA, El Kadiri H, Mesarovic SD, Wang P. T. and Horstemeyer MF. A _nite element- phase _eld study of solid state phase transformation: Coarsening of coherent precipitates and instability of multilayer thin _lms. TMS Annual Meeting 3, 341-348 (2011).
  • Asle Zaeem M, El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer M, and Wang P. The Roles of Grain Boundary Energy Anisotropy and Second-Phase Particles on Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials. 4th Int. Multi-Conference on Eng. and Tech. Innovation, Orlando, USA, 180-182 (2011).
  • Oppedal AL, El Kadiri H,. Limitation of current hardening models in predicting anisotropy by twinning in HCP metals: Application to a rod-textured AM30 magnesium alloy. Magnesium Technology 313-320 (2011). Kim S, El Kadiri H, and Horstemeyer MF. Nucleation Mecha- nism for Shu_ing Dominated Twinning in Magnesium. Proceedings of the 2011 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA (2011).
  • Asle Zaeem M, Mesarovic SD, El Kadiri H, and Wang PT. A phase-_eld - Finite element model for instabilities in multilayer thin _lms. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1297, 35-46 (2011).
  • Ma Q, El Kadiri H, Oppedal AL, Baird JC, and Horstemeyer MF. Twinning Multiplicity in an AM30 Magnesium Alloy Under Uniaxial Compression. Magnesium Technology 2011, 301-305. Proceedings of 2011 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA (2011).
  • Marin EB, El Kadiri H, Lowry A. Modeling the hot forging of nickel-based super alloys: IN718 and alloy 718Plus. 7th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives 2010 1, 331-342 (2010).
  • Ma, Q., El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF, and Wang PT. Plasticity in a rod-textured extruded Mg Am30 alloy. Magnesium Technology 57-62 (2010).
  • El Kadiri H, and Oppedal AL. Transmutation and accommodation e_ects by glide twinning. Magnesium Technology 51-55 (2010).
  • Bernard JD, Jordon JB, Horstemeyer MF, and El Kadiri H. Structure-property evaluation of fatigue damage in a magnesium AM30 alloy. Magnesium Technology 281-286 (2010).
  • Jordon JB, Horstemeyer MF, and El Kadiri H. Structure-Property Evaluation of Fatigue Dam- age in a Magnesium AM30 Alloy. 2010 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, TMS 2010 Seattle, WA (2010).
  • Wang L, El Kadiri L, Felicelli S, Horstemeyer MF,Wang PT. Experimental analysis of porosity formation in laser-assisted powder deposition process. Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 1: Fabrication, Materials Processing and Properties, TMS, Warrendale, TMS Annual Meeting 1, 389-396 (2009).
  • Stone TW, Tucker L, Williams TN, Hammi Y, El Kadiri H, and Horstemeyer MF. Compar- ison of Density Measurement Techniques for Large P/M Components. Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, Princeton, NJ: Metal Powder Industries Federation, 11-84-11-96 (2008).
  • Potirniche GP, El Kadiri H, Wang PT, Horstemeyer MF. A study of monotonic and cyclic properties of LENS fabricated 4140 and AISI 4140 steel alloys. TMS Annual Meeting 129-138 (2007).
  • Wang PT, El Kadiri H, and Horstemeyer MF. Fracture Behavior of Al-Mg Alloys Deformed at Elevated Temperature. 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structure, structure Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Newport, RI (2006).
  • Xue Y, El Kadiri H, Horstemeyer MF, Fan J, and McDowell DL. Fatigue and fracture mech- anism of cast AE44 magnesium alloys. Proceedings of the 2006 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics 2006 4, 2191-2198 (2006).
  • Wang PT, Potirniche GP, El Kadiri H, and Horstemeyer MF. Modeling 3D Damage Progression of Laser Deposited Materials. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, Fl (2006).
  • Wang PT, El Kadiri H, Potirniche GP, and Horstemeyer MF. Characterization and Modeling of 3-Dimensional Damage Progression of Laser-Deposited Iron-based Materials Using X-ray Tomography. 2006 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX (2006).
  • El Kadiri H, Dahmen M, Bienvenu Y, Malot T, and Horstemeyer MF. Laser beam welding of metal-supported automotive catalytic converters. ICALEO 2004 - 23rd International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics, Congress Proceedings (2004).