Improving Rice (Oryza sativa) Consumer Nutrition by Supplemental Tablets, Candies, Snack Bars, or Bags


Overview of Technology

This technology solves malnutrition problem associated with heavy rice consumption


· Rice is the staple food for over half the world’s population and is especially important in developing countries. This equates to approximately 3 billion consume rice on daily basis. Among all cereal crops, rice nutrition is the poorest in multiple aspects. The nutritious out-layers including the aleurone, sub‑aleurone layer, germ, pericarp, tegmen and nucellus are remove as bran during milling. The milled rice is deficient in many nutrients including protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fibers except carbohydrates.Therefore, rice doesn’t contain sufficient nutrients to be life-sustaining if used as the sole source of food. 

Technology Overview

MSU researchers have thoroughly analyzed the rice composition and the nutrition value and developed nutrition supplementary tablets and bags that can be added to rice when cooking the rice or to the side of dishes when eating rice. 


· More nutritious rice meal than traditional rice 

· Maintain the taste, texture and appearance of a rice grain 

· Novel technology available for development

· Low production costs

· Quick timeline of production of product


‑Can enrich rice meal with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, herbs, flavorings, or a combination of these. 


‑This invention provides ample opportunity for the development of a more nutritious and tasty rice meals, by providing different nutrient and flavor tablets or bags. This invention would appeal to rice consumers and grocery stores.