Bio-Based Self-Healing Adhesive


Overview of Technology

Strongest bio-polymer adhesive with adaptable uses to extend material lifetime, reduce waste, and provide long-term cost reduction.


Self-healing materials have received a tremendous amount of interest recently due to their ability to extend materials’ lifespan and reduce waste by healing/repairing damages within materials. However, due to the need to have a flexible region for the healing and a rigid region for adequate adhesive strength, there needs to be a compromise in their structures to accomplish this feat.

Description of Technology 

This adhesive is made from two monomers that provide support to the bonding properties of the SHA while also supporting the thermal and mechanical stability. Recently tested at adhesive strength of around 24 MPa, this bio-based adhesive is among one of the strongest SHA known to date and the strongest self-healing bio-based adhesive. Designed to be on the cutting edge of SHA technology, this adhesive is not petroleum based which allows for economic and environmental benefits. Not only does this technology provide these benefits, but it also works in the support of expanding materials’ lifespan by providing a flexible region for healing and rigid region for adequate adhesive strength.


  • Extension of materials’ lifetime
  • Waste reduction
  • Cost-effective in the long-term
  • Strongest SHA known to date
  • Strongest self-healing bio-based adhesive


  • Building development
    • Low volume bridges
    • Dragline mats
    • Blast resistant structures
    • Other impact load situations
  • Aerospace applications
  • Dental applications
  • Construction Materials


Companies that could help with further development of this bio-polymer self-healing adhesive and likely to use this technology would benefit most.