Face Filtration Mount for Automated Filter Tester


Overview of Technology

A 3-D filtration mount adapted from the current CDC/NIOSH head and facial molds that have increased filtration effectiveness.


Following the global pandemic of COVID-19, the CDC released new standards for non-medial fabric masks, requiring a minimum 20% filtration efficiency for non-medical face masks.

There is much debate on the effectiveness of mask-wearing, and conclusively all masks are not equal in effectiveness, and are not comparable to N95 or surgical masks.

Technology Overview

This invention is a 3-D designed and printed face mold which fits within the automated filter testing apparatus used to test filtration of flat media or N95 masks.

The Face Filtration mount is designed to be used in conjunction with an automated filter apparatus to evaluate filtration properties of soft, non-structured 3-D materials used over the lower half of the face. Use of the face filtration mount works with 42 CFR Part 84 Standard procedures (2012) for testing and certifying air-purifying and particulate respirators.


  • Increased filtration
  • Reduction of particle passage


This technology would benefit manufacturers of face masks to test in accordance with ASTM International and public health organization standards. The testing and validation of masks worn by humans can support in reducing the passage of COVID-19 amongst individuals.


The inventors plan to further prototype by adding nostril passageways and nasal/sinus cavities. In these areas there is opportunity to add filtration media to account for particle dispersion in the nasal passageway.