An active and stable catalysts for light alkanes dehydroaromatization
Overview of Technology
This invention provides an active and stable catalyst for light alkanes dehydroaromatization.
Technology Description
This invention developed a new catalyst that consisted of ultralow loading, aluminosilicate zeolites, and a binder for efficient ethane and propane DHA. Mississippi State researchers have developed a catalyst that is highly stable. By reducing the rate of deactivation by up to 120 times, it is active and selective for the target reaction.
Background on technology
Light alkanes DHA is an important reaction for the transformation of the cheaper and abundant natural gas liquid compounds to value-added olefins and BTX (benzene, toluene and xylene.)The conventional DHA catalysts such as Pt, Zn, Ga, Re and Mo, modified HZSM-5 are insufficient for ethane DHA due to either lower activity or stability.
- Increased stability
- Increased activity retention by over 40%
- Reduces rate of deactivation by up to 120 times
Looking to license this technology for commercialization.