Formula and methods for the scaled up production of engineered biochar for nutrient adsorption and soil amendment
Overview of Technology
This technology is a chemical modification of biochar, which works to effectively to combat eutrophication, by removing contaminants and fertilizers from storm water run off.
Water quality in the US has improved remarkably as the result of large scale efforts including the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water Acts, however, every year excess nutrients from agricultural fertilization enter the world’s lakes, rivers, and oceans through storm water runoff. Massive amounts of these compounds, primarily nitrates and phosphates, set off a series of events beginning with algae blooms, leading to eutrophication and ultimately “dead zones." No technology exists for low-cost, large scale removal of environmental phosphates and nitrates in the US. Technologies currently used in
water remediation are prohibitively expensive for large scale field use.
Technology Description
Our biochar products can be part of a cheaper and greener method for water remediation, ultimately serving unmet needs in both the US and in developing countries. Our approach is a new paradigm where a solid biochar byproduct from biorefinery fuels and chemicals production could be used as low cost adsorbents to purify contaminated waters while simultaneously removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. After adsorption of nutrients, our biochar serves as a valuable soil amendment adding organic carbon, sequestering other carbon and recycling phosphorous, thus completing a very green lifecycle. Preliminary results show that our biochar modification results in a product that is superior to anything currently on the market.
- As a by-product of biofuel production, biochar is avaliable in large quantities at a low cost
- environmentally sustainable, works as a valuable soil amendment
- High adsorption capacity
- Fast kinetics
- Removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Our biochar products can be part of a cheaper and greener method for water purification and soil amendment ultimately serving needs in both the US and in developing countries. Biochar as a soil amendment already has a significant customer base in the horticulture (with a dedicated customer base in marijuana production industries) and agriculture markets.
Our proposed cost-effective products could be manufactured at a community level and serve to improve drinking water quality and to improve sanitation in a rural setting in developing countries such as India and China.