Thienylpiperidine donor NIR I &II xanthene-based dye for imaging


Overview of Technology

NIR Dyes that are highly stable, prepared by short and synthetic routes


Very few Xanthene-based near-infrared (NIR) photoacoustic (PA) dyes with absorbance greater than 600 nm exist. The few that exist are difficult to access, which require long and tedious synthetic steps.

Photoacoustic tomography is a biomedical imaging technique that is characterized by the conversion of absorbed light, to heat and finally ultrasound waves via the photoacoustic effect. This technique allows whole-body imaging of animals and human tissue. 

Technology Description 

The NIR dye created by Mississippi State researchers indicates that the PA imaging can view the NIR dye more effectively since it can absorb over 800 nm, (with a recorded value of 880nm) and thus makes biological tissue more transparent as well as desirable for deep tissue imaging for techniques such as photoacoustic and fluorescence by accessing depths on the cm scale. 

NIR Dye was developed from a thiophene donor and xanthene acceptor, which lowers the bandgap of the dye due to charge transfer events, and an amino group connected to the thiophene which increases donor strength in the push-pull mechanism in xanthene dyes. This dye was prepared in a simple 3-step synthesis from inexpensive and commercially available materials. 


  • Strong photoacoustic signal with over 800 nm, 
  • Good biological compatibility 
  • High photostability for PA applications 
  • Yields multiplexed imaging with an aza-BODIPY reference dye and is detected at a depth of 4cm
  • Boasts low quantum yields 
  • Good molar absorptivity 


These dyes are highly sought after for applications in biological imaging, laser, and photo-and electro chromes. These dyes can also be functionalized for sng applications as well as for fluorescence and photoacoustic imaging. 


This technology aims to develop further by creating additional products based on the same technology. The value of this invention enables the provision of preparing dyes with short synthetic routes and high stability. 

  • TRL 8
  • Patent pending


  • Licensing


